Grand Junction Food Bank is Going Black and White
The Community Food Bank in Grand Junction is holding a black and white fundraiser to help keep the doors open.
This local food bank has been operating for nearly 40 years, but a turn of events recently has made things much tougher for this local non-profit.
Last year, the Community Food Bank was forced to find a new location to operate out of and to store the food they donate to people in need. They found a new place, however, their monthly bills increased by about 900%, according to Biff Messenger, who serves as president for their board of directors.
While the food bank has always relied on private contributions, the increased operating costs have made those private donations even more critical. On a daily basis, the food bank provides emergency supplies of food to individuals and families in crisis. Now, the challenge is to be able to meet the demand for food on a daily basis - and to pay the rent.
In an effort to meet this need and to keep the food bank going, the board decided to hold a fund-raiser and it's coming up this weekend.(September 30)
The First Annual Black Tie Benefit will be held at the Avalon beginning at 6:30 and will feature cocktails, appetizers, a silent auction, and entertainment by the local band bone tree.
Tickets for this gala event are $50 and can be purchased in advance by calling Bonnie at 720-393-9911.
The Community Food Bank is one of the many outstanding non-profits in Grand Junction worthy of community support. Hopefully, a good turnout Saturday night will help this great organization continue to serve the community.
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