Grand Junction Really Stinks At These Jobs
Is there a career field out there you simply weren't cut out for? Residents of Grand Junction, Colorado feel they would not perform well in these jobs.
I asked on social media, "What job would you be terrible at?" Here's what you had to say.

How To Know It's Time For a New Job
Have you ever had the feeling you're simply in the wrong job? How do you know when it's time to move on? According to Top Resume, these are a few signs it's time for a new job:
- You dread going to work
- You're desperate to leave and find yourself constantly checking job boards for other opportunities
- Your personal life is suffering (I think any job is guilty of this)
- Your job is making you sick
- You've received nasty performance reviews
Jobs Most Of Us Wouldn't Be Suited For
When asked what job they would stink at, one person responded "mortician." That's a given. I don't know about you, but I don't seem to recall seeing the mortician booth on career day in high school. How does one get into that profession in the first place?
Salary.com put together a list of "10 Most Hated Jobs: What Jobs do People Complain About The Most." Those jobs include:
- Safety Director
- Data Analyst
- Nursing/Healthcare
- Retail
- Restaurant/Food Prep
- Welder/Laborer
- Accounts Receivable
- Mail Clerk
- Janitor
- Housekeeper
I would be willing to bet that just about any of us have held at least three of the jobs on that list.
What Are We Going To Do About It
According to Forbes, "Life is simpler than we make it. You probably don’t need an assessment to tell you if you are good at your job. If you are honest with yourself at all, you should definitely know if it is time to move on." With that, here's a look at the jobs you feel wouldn't suit you.
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