Perhaps  you heard about the Georgia farmer who died last week after being attacked  by Africanized honey bees, otherwise known as "killer bees".  The unfortunate man disturbed a colony of bees with a bulldozer and received more than 100 bee stings.

Africanized bees first appeared in the United States in 1990 and have been found in several states including New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada,  Utah, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and Georgia. Here's 8 facts you should know about killer bees.

Are very defensive of their nest (also referred to as a colony or hive).

• Respond quickly and sting in large numbers.

• Can sense a threat from people or animals 50 feet or more from nest.

• Sense vibrations from power equipment 100 feet or more from nest.

• Will pursue a perceived enemy ¼ mile or more.

• Swarm frequently to establish new nests.

• Nest in small cavities and sheltered areas


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