A recent survey indicates that 52% of college students do this. What is it? It's legal, and it's something you would expect college students to do - and it's been in the news in recent weeks.

The answer is they have downed an energy drink --apparently looking for a way to stay awake to study - or to stay awake in class after being out late having a good time.(or maybe they were up late studying..)

I remember the good 'ole college days some 25 years ago,(but who's counting?) and trying to stay up all night studying for a test --but I know I  did not down an energy drink. Did we even have energy drinks back then? Seems like energy drinks came in with the cell phone. Now that I think about it, I wasn't all that successful in my quest to stay awake all night. I think I spent many night asleep at my desk  with the light on and my head lying on the open text book. Maybe I subliminally received all of that vital information into my brain while I slept, because I always seemed to do fine on the tests. I have to confess, though, if I was trying that today, I am pretty sure that 5- Hour Energy would be my best friend.

(The Cranium Kruncher is heard weekday afternoons at 12:20 on KOOL 107.9)

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