People Behaving Badly: Country Jam by the Numbers
For the vast majority of those who attend, Country Jam is a music festival. For others, it's an opportunity to prove to everyone how badly they can behave.
Thursday was a relatively quiet night at the Jam. Friday was an entirely different story. For one, a man accidentally shot himself in the campground, ignoring the no weapons at Country Jam rule. I do hope he recovers fully and as quickly as possible.
Take a look at the numbers and names of people behaving badly at Country Jam. These are from Friday, June 15. Saturday and Sunday numbers will be reported as they become available.
For reference, 2017 same day statistics are listed in parentheses.
At the Festival:
- Minor in possession/Alcohol Offenses 13 (33)
- Procuring Alcohol to a Minor 2 (2)
- Fake ID 1 (1)
At the Campground:
- Minor in Possesion/Alcohol Offenses 28 (16)
Arrests by Mesa County Sheriff's Deputies
- Brian Goldade, 24, arrested for Disorderly Conduct, and Obstructing a Peace Officer
- Travis Goldade, 25, arrested for Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, and Obsructing a Police Officer
- Colton Bozeman, 22, arrested for Unlawful Sexual Contact, Disorderly Conduct, and Resisting Arrest
- Nicolas Walker, 24 arrested for Violation of a Protection Order, Fugitive Other Jurisdiction Warrant, and Open Container in a Vehicle
- Rachel Irwin, 20, arrested for Violation of a Protection Order and Underage Drinking
The Mesa County Sheriff's Office encourages those attending Country Jam to have a good time, but be safe and follow the law. Also, Do Not Drink and Drive. They also want people to call 911 if they see anything illegal happening.
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