Community Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Impact of Bull Draw Fire
A community meeting is scheduled to discuss the impacts of the Bull Draw Fire burning northeast of Nucla.
The Minnesota Type 2 Incident Management Team is holding the meeting to give people affected by or interested in specifics about the fire including fire behavior, road closures, and current fire conditions.
The Bull Draw Fire burned an additional 1,000 acres on Wednesday (August 8) bringing the total burn area to approximately 8,700 acres. The fire has also forced the closure of numerous roads and trails including a section of Divide Road. As of Thursday morning, the fire was 35% contained.
Because of the growth, the Bull Draw Fire has been moved to the number one incident in the Geographical Area Coronation Center (GACC) which means the fire will be the first in the GACC to receive new resources.
The meeting is Friday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m. at Nucla Baptist Church, 294 East 4th Avenue and is hosted by Mayor Dawn Morris. Community leaders and fire personnel will be presenting information about the fire and its impact on the area. Following the presentation will be a public question and answer session. For more information about the meeting call 720-593-9939.
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