CDOT Hiring Snowplow Drivers: CDL + Nerves of Steel Needed
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is looking for snowplow operators and road maintenance crews for the winter. Think you got what it takes?
In order to fill one of these positions, you're going to need a few things. First of all, you have to have a CDL in order to operate a snowplow, so if you already have one, you are on your way! If not, better get busy because these jobs look to get started in November.
Snowplow operators are a different breed. You have to be ready no matter what time of day it is. You have to be able to handle those big trucks pushing snow while, at the same time, avoiding the drivers who are annoyed at all the snow and plows in their way.
The positions are full time or part time and are seasonal and are found all over the state. Starting pay ranges from $16.52 to $23.49 an hour for some positions and as a heavy equipment operator, you're looking at a starting wage of $4,110.00 per month.
Applications are being taken on the CDOT website.
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