Colorado Bear Knows It’s ‘Fun to Stay at the YMCA’
As you can clearly see, even bears know it's fun to stay at the YMCA. Check out this visitor roaming the halls of the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado.
According to their official webpage, "YMCA of the Rockies, located near the town of Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park, is an ideal vacation, reunion and conference destination. Come visit and be inspired by our surroundings! Every season brings fun and excitement for the entire family."
That's a drastic understatement. Let's revisit that last line. It reads, "Every season brings fun and excitement for the entire family." For October 2020, fun and excitement for the entire family means bears.
This video, posted on Youtube yesterday, October 5, has people chiming in. One viewer, Pedro San Roman, says, "I been there one whole week back in 05 greatest time of my life." NuxVom adds, "He heard it was a good place to fatten up before booking a hibernation room."
See, everyone loves to stay at the "Y". I can remember hearing about the YMCA back in the early 70's. My dad used to visit the YMCA in Chicago back in the 50's. Would you be surprised to learn the YMCA was founded over 175 years ago? That's right, the Young Men's Christian Association was founded in London in June, 1844. Even today, people get a kick out of hearing about the place.
What's with all the excitement? Why would a bear with the Rocky Mountains for a backyard want to visit this place? Why don't we let the song lyrics explain?
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
They have everything for you men to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal
You can do what ever you feel
In the end, no one was hurt, and the bear went on about its business. Just another day at the "Y."

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