After Eating Clean for 75 Days Today I Enjoy a Cheat Meal
Not one chip, not one M&M, nothing bad in my body for the past 75 days. It was part of the 75 HARD program that I have been working on with my wife to not only improve our physical appearance but also this program is about mental strength. Click here to find out more about it, but I am done! Today is day 76 which means I can finally enjoy something, not on my diet. But if you were done with a program like this and could finally enjoy any food that you wanted, where would your first cheat meal be in Western Colorado?
For weeks I have been dreaming of this day, and now it’s here and I feel so unprepared. It’s like when you’re told not to do something so you want to do it more. But now I have the opportunity to eat whatever I want and I’m not sure where to indulge.
The Decision Isn’t Completely Up To Me
While I am proud of my efforts over the past 75 days my wife Savannah has accomplished the same thing. Which has been tremendous to cheer her on through this process as well. But we are both trying to think of where we want to go out to dinner (and possibly dessert) to celebrate our success. We have agreed on one cheat meal per week moving forward but that’s it. We will continue to keep going as we continue to live a healthier lifestyle.

There Is Too Much Delicious Food in Grand Junction
We have tossed around the idea of burgers and fries, or possibly pizza, or maybe Mexican food for dinner tonight. One thing is for sure, no matter where we go I will be gluttonous, and will be back in the gym tomorrow to work it off.
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