Bathrooms On Top of Independence Pass Are Covered With Snow
I hope you're not driving on the road through Independence Pass during Memorial Day weekend when you hear the kids say, "how much longer? I gotta' go to the bathroom."
Have you seen how much snow still remains on top of the pass? Wow. We finally got a lot of much-needed snow, but if you have to use the restroom there may be an issue.
I'd rather have the snow than have bathrooms at the top of the pass. You could probably make an igloo or something for the kids to use if you absolutely had to.
According to FOX31 on Facebook, the bathrooms on top of Independence Pass normally open Memorial Day weekend.
The good news here is that we finally got the snow we needed and the road to Indy ghost town is clear for travelers to use on May 18.
More positives than negatives. Like our parents used to say, "be sure and use the restroom before you leave." No arguing.
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