I was curious about  how Arnold Schwarzenegger would do with a Tonight Show parody about him appearing on QVC. What really got me interested was his interest in demonstrating the "Chopper."

As it turns out Schwarzenegger never got to demonstrate the kitchen chopper. If you own one of these, you know next to a good sharp set of knives, this is the ultimate he-man kitchen tool. There's a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction pounding on a device that pulverizes everything in it's path.

I was disappointed Schwarzenegger never got to the demonstration. I was looking forward to see if he could mince onions as well as I can with one of these.

This gadget is so popular in our house we've worn one out and are getting great use out of a new one.

I can tell you from experience, the more expensive choppers are much better and last longer than the cheaper models. If you're looking for a good one, our family really likes this food chopper.

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