Annoying Things Coloradans Say That Simply Are Not True
Did you realize Coloradans say a lot of things that just aren't true? It's true.
Are You Guilty of Spreading Colorado Fallicies?
All of us who live in Colorado have probably been guilty at one time or another of misstating the reality of Colorado or spreading fictitious Colorado stereotypes. We probably can't really help ourselves.
People Need To Stop Saying This
There's one phrase that drives me bonkers. You've heard it - and the chances are you've probably said it. The fact is, the world would be a better place if we would all stop saying it because it is as silly as a kangaroo on a skateboard spooning frozen yogurt out of a brown paper bag in the middle of a Colorado winter blizzard in July.

"This is Colorado - if you don't like the weather just wait five minutes."
Please, stop saying that. You've got to realize that Colorado's weather is no more unpredictable or ever-changing than any other state in the country. I have lived in five different states and guess what? Everywhere I have lived people say that exact thing about the changing weather.
I hate to break it to you, but there is nothing really special about Colorado's weather. Sure, the weather can change quickly in Colorado - but that's true anywhere in the entire country.