KOOL 107.9 shares in the heartache and horror in Aurora, with thoughts and prayers. It would be good for each of us to remember those families and that entire community in prayer, as the painful process of healing begins, and as we all try to gain understanding of how and why a senseless and horrific tragedgy such as this comes to pass. There WILL be healing, and resilience, but, for now it's time to grieve for the loss of life, the hearts that are broken, and the nightmares that will follow those who encountered the attack and will for the rest of their lives be haunted by those memories. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to say "we hurt." I don't think we can begin to heal until we've cried all the tears we need to cry.God will provide healing and comfort and peace, and he will wipe away the tears....in His time.

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