For something fun, take this test and find out what animal personality type you are. The results may surprise you.

I took the animal  test, and was pleasantly surprised at how accurately the results described my personality. I am a deer - quiet, thoughtful, observant, interested in keeping harmony, and respecting everyone's feelings.( There was also something in there about avoiding fast moving

It's pretty cool to do some self-analysis once in a while and to take a look at the person you really are. Do you like what you see? Would you like to make changes? Is it even possible to change if you wanted to?

When it comes to personality, I think we pretty much are who we are. If you have a temper I believe you can work to control it, but you're still going to have a temper.  You can't just wake up one day and magically say "I am going to stop having a temper." I don't like all the things in my personality, but I think I'm stuck with what I was born with.

So take the animal test here and  then go here to see what kind of animal you are. In the comment section tell us what kind of animal you are - and if you feel the results are an accurate reflection of your personality type.



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