I have watched this video half a dozen times, and I am still in awe of Ayla Kirstine and her athleticism.

Kirstine lives in Norway and is a self-proclaimed horse enthusiast.

She loves horses so much that she studied their movements and learned how to mimic them.

From a slow walk to a gallop and even jumping, Kirstine in action is incredible to watch.

It's not just the way she holds her arms and legs, it's the gait and timing as well.

As I watched her jump over higher and higher obstacles I couldn't help but wonder if her wrists hurt.

According to this article when she was asked she responded, "I don't have any pain in my body."

Part of me wants to try and do this, but the other part knows that there is no way I could be as graceful as her.

If you're braver than me and want to try out Kirstine's movements make sure you take a video of it and send it to us using the My Country Mobile App.

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