Trio of Suspects Tops Montrose Most Wanted List
Three suspects on the Montrose Most Wanted List are charged with a variety of crimes including forgery auto theft, drug possession, and identity theft.
So far, finding these suspects has been unsuccessful so the Montrose County Sheriff's Office is asking for your help.
If you have seen any of the three suspects or have information that would help find them, contact the Montrose Count Sheriff's Office at 970-252-4010. If you want to report anonymously, call Montrose Regional Crime Stoppers at 970-249-8500. Reports can also be made through P3Tips.
Desiree Lynn Freeman
26-Year-Old FemaleFreeman is 5-feet 2-inches tall and weighs 132 pounds.
She's wanted for Failure to Appear on charges of Possession of a Controlled Substance and Identity Theft.
Montrose County Sheriff's OfficeMontrose County Sheriff's Office Tiffany Melissa Hunt
34-Year-Old FemaleHunt is 5-feet 2-inches tall and weighs 132 pounds.
She is wanted for Failure to Appear on Forgery and Motor Vehicle Theft charges.
Montrose County Sheriff's OfficeMontrose County Sheriff's Office Jordan Lee Mauk
23-Year-Old MaleMauk is 5-feet 6-inches tall and weighs 160 pounds.
He is wanted for Failure to Appear on a Possession of a Controlled Substance charge.
Montrose County Sheriff's OfficeMontrose County Sheriff's Office
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