Watching the best animal videos of the year might just be the best way to spend  New Year's Eve - or the day before New Year's Eve when everyone is pretending to work.

We love sharing cute animal videos with you, because, well, you like them. And so do we!

It's possible that you missed some of them, and so for you I have compiled the top ten animal videos of the year to enjoy. For the rest of us that have seen them, we will immensely enjoy watching them again.

10)  Dog Eating Peanut Butter

9) Fox Hunts For Mice

8)Siberian Husky in Leaves

7) Baby Polar Bear

6) Animals Can Be Jerks - Sometimes

5) Guilty Dog

4) Smart Dog Retrives Frisbee

3) Gorilla Playing in Leaves

2) Monkey With A Gun

1) Adorable Goats Jingle Bell Holiday Performance


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