The Blue M&M: Grand Junction Reveals Their Rapper Names
Your rapper name is the color of your shirt and the last thing you ate. These are some of Grand Junction's rapper names, which are hilarious and delicious.
My rapper name yesterday was Blue Denny's, but today, it's Hawaiian Shirt Boost. I personally prefer the latter name as my rapper name. We asked you what your rapper name is on our Facebook which is the combination of the color of your shirt and then the last thing that you ate.
Here are some of Grand Junction's rapper names, feel free to drop your name (and maybe your latest single) in our comments:
Aaron Taylor says you can call him the Blue M&M. Considering there's already an Eminem out there, I'm not really sure what the Blue M&M would sound like. I'd give this rapper a listen though.
I picture this rapper having a little Southern twang in his songs. Mitzi commented on our Facebook and says since that's the color of her shirt and the last thing that she ate, that's her rapper name.
Lori Love says her rapper name is Green Eggs, but I think Lori Love is also a good name for a musician too. If Green Eggs were a rapper they'd be spitting rhymes like 'got the green eggs, but not the ham, don't mess with you like I don't mess with Sam.'
Since my current rapper name is Hawaiian Shirt Boost, I really respect Bluetropicalprint Quesadilla as an artist. Carolyn Williams commented on our Facebook and says this is her rapper name. Hey Carolyn, we should collab some time.
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