Halloween Events In Grand Junction 2020Halloween Events In Grand Junction 2020It looks like Halloween will be happening this year in the Grand Valley and we do have some fun events for the kiddos. Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Western Slope's Largest Indoor Haunted Attraction Western Slope's Largest Indoor Haunted Attraction Grand Junction always has great haunted houses and here's a new one that will uphold this local Halloween tradition.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Tours Being Offered at Two of Mesa County's Oldest CemeteriesTours Being Offered at Two of Mesa County's Oldest CemeteriesEvery cemetery has stories to tell and history to unfold.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Original 'Halloween' Returns to Grand Junction's Big ScreenOriginal 'Halloween' Returns to Grand Junction's Big ScreenTo coincide with the 2018 release of Halloween, CineLife Entertainment is bringing the original Halloween back to theaters to celebrate its 40th anniversary.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Monster MashMonster MashOne of the best ways to have fun this Halloween is to trick or treat with the dinosaurs at Monster Mash.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Halloween EventsHalloween EventsFor those who like to celebrate, there are plenty of Halloween events in Grand Junction.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Halloween Movie EventHalloween Movie EventThe cult classic "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is coming to the big screen in Grand Junction.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Cars, Costumes, and a Carnival Means Coats for Clifton StudentsCars, Costumes, and a Carnival Means Coats for Clifton StudentsA mix of classic cars, costumes, and a carnival will mean warm coats for some Clifton Elementary students this Saturday.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Who Is This Monster?Who Is This Monster?Have you ever seen Bobby 'Boris' Pickett perform the 'Monster Mash' not in character? Check it out!Zane MathewsZane Mathews