School District 51 is Giving Away Thousands of Books
Every year, School District 51 gathers books they no longer need or use and makes them available to the public for free.
At the end of the school year, teachers, librarians and other staff comb through thousands of books in every school to find those that are no longer used in the classroom or needed in the library.
These books include educational materials, dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, and fiction and non-fiction story books and novels
Rather than discard the books, the school district offers them to the public free of charge during annual book giveaways. This year, the event is June 13 and 14 at Grand Mesa Middle School, 585 31-1/2 Road from 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. each day.
Typical shoppers are new teachers, book collectors, kids and parents, grandparents, hobbyists, and others who are looking for something new and different to read or learn.
There is no limit on the number of books an individual can take, but bring plenty of boxes and muscle to carry out your treasures. School district staff can help you find the types of books you may be interested in, but the rest is up to you.
Volunteers are also needed to help before, during and after the book giveaway. Email volunteer coordinator Polly Burch polly.burch@d51schools.org if you'd like to help.
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