Out-of-the-Ordinary Sports You Can Try In Grand Junction
We all know the usual sports, right? Tennis, golf, baseball; stuff everyone plays all the time. You see them out in the park, or at the diamond or on the court, doing same old, same old.
But you want something different, don't you? I knew you did. So what do you say we check out a few different sports? And for the record, I believe this first one counts as a sport.
Yes, FootGolf. Not played with a little golf ball. No. That would hurt. The game is played with a soccer ball, on a standard golf course with the big difference being the size of the hole you kick the ball into. In Grand Junction, you can play FootGolf at Chipeta Golf Course. The rates are reasonable and the fun is awesome. I am going to have to play this and film it for you, so you can laugh at me doing it. But this little instructional video will probably have the same effect on you that it has on me.
I gotta go do this!
Pickleball is a paddle sport that all ages can play. Combining tennis, badminton, and even ping pong, this game can get pretty intense. There are leagues and tournaments and even a governing body, the USAPA. Played indoors or outdoors, this game is addicting.
Just the name sounds cool. But for anyone who has ever wished they had hops enough to dunk a basketball, this is for you. Played on a court filled with side by side trampolines, Slamball has been a hit from the moment it was created. Get Air at the Silo in Grand Junction, they have a basketball court set up for your very own slam fest! Take a look at Slamball and then get ready to get air!
And finally, one that hasn't quite caught on here yet, but I am sure it will. Bossaball combines volleyball with a little bit of football and gymnastics thrown in. This looks like a rush!
Getting your friends together to try one or all of these will make the summer fly by. But oh the memories you will have. Try these out and send me your videos!
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