Only US Citizens To Vote if Measure Passes in 2020
A ballot measure for the 2020 elections calls for a change to the Colorado Constitution from "every citizen" to "only a citizen" to reflect who in the state has the right to vote.
A group called Colorado Citizen Voters has submitted a list of more than 200,000 signatures, a lot more than the 125,000 needed to get the measure placed on the ballot for elections in 2020.
As it stands now, it is illegal to vote in Colorado elections if you're not a citizen, but changing the wording in the constitution assures that citizens and only citizens can vote in state elections. There is no federal law that specifically keeps non-citizens from voting.
There are those, however who feel this is unnecessary and a waste of time. While others feel if people are paying their taxes and have children in the public school system that those people should have the right to vote.
It will be for the Secretary of State to decide and, ultimately, the voters.