Maps Show Abandoned Wells Around Colorado
Colorado is known for its boom or bust industries; from gold and silver mining, coal, and oil and gas drilling. This map of abandoned wells in Colorado will show you just how much the state depended on the industry.
Drive anywhere in Colorado and you'll see oil and gas wells peppered throughout the state. Believe it or not, there are more abandoned wells scattered throughout the state -- 35,711 to be exact.
Some of these abandoned wells date back the early 1900s.
Inside Energy recently shared this interactive map where you can search any address in Colorado to find an abandoned well. Some of these locations may be hard to find since they've been plugged with concrete and the land has been reclaimed. In some cases, the locations are just inaccurate. In 2005, Colorado requires precise GPS locations of wells but abandoned wells before that time are less reliable.
Either way, this map is a great way to see how the oil and gas industry has affected Colorado.
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