When I went through my grandpa's old photos, I was a little confused by the image above. At last report, Kanarado is a town on the Colorado/Kansas border. Why would a picture of the Kanarado Mine be in a pile of photographs from Mesa County?

As it turns out, the Kanarado Mine is located in Mesa County. According to the website Eachtown.com, the Kanarado Mine can be found in Juanita Arch in Mesa County,

Okay, so what about the other name on the sign - Carter Mine? According to placekeeper.com, Carter Mine is located in Gunnison County, Colorado, at an elevation of 9,249 feet.

Silly me. Here I thought my grandpa had taken a photo of a sign located in Gunnison County pointing to both the Carter Mine and to Kanarado, Kansas. I had visions of people driving old beat up cars clear across the Continental Divide all the way to the Kansas state line. This would be quite the little outing consider it comes in at over 400 miles.

Mesa County to State Line
Google Maps

Do people living in the area around Kanarado Mine know much about it? I contacted a hotel located a few miles north of the Kanarado Mine and asked if they knew anything about the old mine. The reply was a resounding "What?"

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