Jackknifed Semi-Truck on I-70 in Glenwood Canyon
If you're traveling on I-70 today around Glenwood Canyon, expect your travel time is to be longer. Traffic in the canyon has slowed due to a jackknifed semi.
There's no getting around this semi-truck on westbound I-70 in Glenwood Canyon. I'm not exactly sure how the truck got into this jackknife position, but I hope the driver and everyone involved are okay. It looks like the truck is blocking both lanes, causing a line of cars behind them.
There are very few things that are worse than sitting in traffic on I-70. If your car is stopped or even if you're barely moving, it can cause some serious stress and change your plans.
On the plus side, it looks like this semi-truck full of beer. If they're going to be there a while, maybe they'll spread the love and give out a consolation prize for your wait. I think a 12-pack of beer per car will do.
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