High School Football Set to Start in Mesa County
In case you are wondering what's been happening in the local school district, here's a little update.
In a report issued by Mesa County Valley School District 51 Superintendent Dr. Diana Sirko, we learned that since school started on August 17 there has been a total of 18 positive cases of COVID-19 among staff and students. Notifications of possible exposure were sent to parents of students who may have come in contact with infected individuals. Students who need to be quarantined are transitioned to remote learning for a period of 14 days.
There is some good news to report.
In case you missed this news earlier, through the month of December, breakfast and lunch is being provided to all students at no additional charge. This is due to special funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Students who are learning from home can arrange to pick up their meals each day from school.
This summer it looked like we would not be having high school football this fall, but it is now looking more and more like reality. The first games are scheduled for October 9 and each school will have a six-game season. Of course, seating at the stadium will be limited, which means tickets need to be purchased online before each game. A unique code will be emailed to parents and students to facilitate the ticket-buying process. It's also looking like there may be online streaming options for those who can't make it to the game.
School districts across Colorado have faced all kinds of challenges in launching the school year, and we expect there will be even more challenges in the weeks and months ahead. However, any good news is welcome news at this point, and all we can do in these uncertain days is to take it one step at a time.

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