Sending Sweet Love To A Grand Valley Senior For Valentine’s Day
The past several months have been extremely tough for members of our community living in senior and healthcare facilities.
Extreme isolation has been one of the dark realities of the COVID-19 pandemic for Grand Valley shut-ins, and many of them have had minimal contact with their family and friends. Even without the hurdles and obstacles of a pandemic, our seniors constantly deal with feelings of loneliness and isolation.
The Alzheimer's Association works closely with many local senior living centers in the Grand Valley throughout the year and is teaming up with Be Sweet Bake Shop in downtown Grand Junction to send a little love to their senior residents as Valentine's Day approaches.
Be Sweet has cupcake and cookie kits. Each kit contains your choice of six cupcakes or six cookies, complete with frosting and sprinkles for decorating. You can buy a kit for $20 for your kids or family, but then, buy a second kit and donate it to one of the local care centers. The Alzheimer's Association suggests you include a happy and caring Valentine note with your kit to brighten a shut-in's day. They will appreciate the note, the treat, and have some fun and enjoyment decorating their cookies or cupcakes.
You can order your cookie or cupcake kit online or at the shop downtown. When you place your order you can write out your message of love and encouragement, along with which care center you want to donate the kit too. Be Sweet and the Alzheimer's Association will do the rest. You would be amazed at the number of care center residents who don't have family members in the Grand Valley and really are alone. A simple act like this would mean so much to them.
The Alzheimer's Association is gearing up for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer's in October, which raises funds for research, education, and the support resources they provide to western Colorado families who are dealing with the tragedy of Alzheimer's Disease. If you would like more information about the services, support, and assistance they provide, or to learn how you can participate in this year's walk, just visit the ALZ website.