Five Reasons You Should Join Grand Junction’s ‘Life Savers’ Club
You have the chance to save lives. Have you donated blood lately? It's quick, easy, relatively painless, and incredibly rewarding. Now, with the Life Savers Club, it's more rewarding than ever.
The next time you donate at the St. Mary's Regional Blood Center, tell them you would like to join the Life Savers Club. You'll receive a donor punch card. From there, just keep donating every eight weeks.
What's in it for you? A number of things. Here are my top five reasons why you should join this program.
- When you complete your punch card in 2018, you'll receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card
- Your name will be featured on their donor wall of fame
- They really do serve Orange and Apple juice, along with cookies and stuff
- You'll inspire other people to donate
- When it's all said and done, you'll be saving lives
You'll find the blood center at 750 Wellington Avenue in Grand Junction. Donation hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon.
I find the typical visit runs about 30 minutes, usually a little less. You never know when you or someone in your family might need blood. Check your mailbox for the flyer they sent out last week.
There's never been an easier time to donate. As a matter of fact, January tends to be a lean month. Join the Life Savers Club now and become a frequent donor.