Life Saver: Watch This Sweet Colorado Pup Be Rescued From Icy Waters
The winter weather can be hazardous for anyone here in Colorado, and that includes our beloved pets.
Recently the Poudre Fire Authority rescued a doggo from a frozen lake after it was reported by a good samaritan.
Protect What Matters Most
The Christmas season is upon us and our daily lives are beginning to get pretty hectic (if they weren't already).
Even though our plates are full, it's crucial that we remember to protect what's most important to us. It's not difficult to remember your kids and family, but don't forget about your extended family, like your pets and plants.
This poor pup decided to take a stroll and fell through the frozen waters. The dog struggled to get back to shore and with freezing waters, time was of the essence.

Help Is Available
There's no word on who the sweet pup belongs to, but luckily someone passing by spotted the dog and made a call for help, which the Poudre Fire Authority says is the best thing to do.
Never try to rescue the animal yourself.
Freezing temperatures can quickly affect your physical and mental state, plus the depth of the water is unpredictable.
How The Dog Was Saved
Of course, the folks with the Poudre Fire Authority are trained professionals so they knew just what to do and jumped into action.
A specialized ice suit was put on by a trained Poudre Fire Authority who was able to reach the doggo and put them on a bodyboard.
Afterward, both the pup and the responder were pulled back to safety. Thank goodness!
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