Distribution Center Paves Way For In-N-Out Expansion in Colorado
Before you walk you have to crawl, and before you can have In-N-Out in Colorado there has to be a distribution center.
Colorado's first In-N-Out will apparently open next year in Colorado Springs, which will also be home to a soon-to-be-constructed distribution center which could serve up to 50 fast food restaurants within 350 miles of Colorado Springs.
There is no definitive word yet from the company on how many In-N-Out restaurants will eventually be built in Colorado. However, it seems reasonable to assume that having a distribution center in the state would mean additional restaurants.
Could Grand Junction be in line for an In-N-Out? Considering the fact that Grand Junction is less than 350 miles from Colorado Springs, it certainly seems that one or more In-N-Out locations on the Western Slope are extremely possible.
The distribution center and hamburger patty production facility must be up and operating before the first In-N-Out can be built, which explains why Coloradoans have not yet had the privilege of enjoying the wildly popular hamburger chain.
There are two kinds of people in the world - those that love In-N Out and those that don't. Count me on the side of LOVE In-N-Out and look for me in line for a double cheese with ketchup and mustard when our fantasy is fulfilled and In-N-Out finally comes to Grand Junction.
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