Dealing with a ‘School Threat’ + My First-Hand Experience
I received a call from my daughter's vice principal stating she was involved in a "school threat." I'm don't have all the details to what went on, but I had to have a hard conversation with my daughter.
As a parent, that is one thing you don't want to hear and something, you can't really prepare yourself for.
Once I was able to talk to my daughter about it, I was able to let her know what happens with incidents like that. I told her that every action has a consequence. When you say something threatening towards a student or a teacher there will be punishment. Whether that's at home or at school.
Now, my daughter did the right thing in this situation. She thought of Safe to Tell and got her teachers involved.
We as parents need to let our children know that it's OK to tell when you don't feel right about something. Let your children know that they have people in place for instances like this one.
Every parent needs to talk to there children before things like this happen. Let them know that if they hear someone being threatening it is ok to let somebody know. We need to put a stop to threats and school shootings before they can even begin. Even if that means invading their privacy a little bit.
So parents take time out of your day to talk to your children. This could be the beginning of something that could put a stop to all of the threats and shootings that I hoped my daughter would never have had to experience in her lifetime. If we can just be honest with our kids and let our kids speak without ramifications that could be that one small step to putting an end to the threats and the school violence.
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