Courageous Woman Stops Bank Robber’s Getaway By Ramming Into His Car [VIDEO]
Most people, if they saw a robber leaving a bank, would try to get some information like what the robber looked like, make and model of the getaway car or a license plate number if it had one. This courageous woman took it one step further by ramming the getaway car with her truck.
It sounds crazy, but it's true. Tina Gleim, decided to take matters into her own hands and followed the robber to his getaway car, then rammed it with her truck as he was trying to escape. Lucky for Gleim the robber didn't pull a gun and start shooting as the two were literally eye-to-eye after the crash.
The robber did manage to leave the scene in his damaged vehicle, but was caught a short time later by police.
When asked why she went to such an extreme to stop the robber, she stated, it felt like the right thing to do.