Colorado Will Pay You To Quit Smoking
If you want to quit smoking, now is the perfect time.
Not only is the start of a new year which is always a prime time for setting goals for your health and your life, but right now you can get paid to quit smoking. Resolutions to quit smoking at the beginning of the year seem to be as common as weight loss resolutions and neither one is easy.
Colorado Medicaid is providing a little extra incentive right now to smokers to kick the habit. Medicaid members can actually get $10 for enrolling in the Colorado QuitLine, but they have to ask for the incentive.
Not only will Medicaid members get $10, they will also receive free access to coaching, nicotine patches, and gum. Free help is available to those who can't afford it, plus the chances of success are far greater when you get professional help rather than trying to quit on your own.
I've never been a smoker, so it's hard for me to imagine exactly how difficult it is to quit. But, I have plenty of friends who have either quit or tried to quit, and I know that kicking the habit is not easy. I realize a $10 bill isn't going to make it any easier, but hopefully, it will help get a lot of folks started down a path to healthier and longer living.
If you would like to enroll in the Colorado QuitLine call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or enroll online at the QuitLine website.