Colorado Motor Vehicle Services Will Be Unavailable Part of August
Colorado motor vehicle services including title and registration services and driver's license renewals will be unavailable a few days in August to allow for technical upgrades to the computer system.
The upgrade includes replacing the archaic Colorado State Titling and Registration System installed between 1983 and 1986 with a new system called Colorado DRIVES. The new system, part of which was installed in 2017, will make motor vehicle transactions faster, provide additional online services, and allow for better integration between counties.
Colorado Department of Revenue Executive Director Michael Hartman says,
We are excited to introduce the DRIVES system into both driver license and motor vehicle offices in Colorado. This new system offers a 35-year leap in technology, which will allow for a faster customer experience with several additional online service options.
While inconvenient for a few days, anyone who has experienced the hassles and headaches of motor vehicle paperwork and registration should be happy the new system offers better and faster ways for people needing driver and vehicle services.
During the upgrade, Colorado title and registration services including motor vehicle registration renewals, vehicle titling, International Registration Plan and ownership transfers will be unavailable from August 1st through August 5th. Online registration renewal and kiosk registration renewal in participating counties will still be available during the upgrade.
Driver's license services will be unavailable August 2nd and 3rd. All state driver's license offices will be closed for those two days.
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