Become an Instant Olympic Trivia Expert with These Amazing Facts
With a forgettable (or is that regrettable) Super Bowl behind us, sports fans have quickly turned their attention to the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics. We're here to help you become an instant expert on Olympic trivia with these amazing facts.
So much for the theory of Olympic medals having real dollar value. With the Gold Medal made almost entirely of silver and the value of the Bronze Medal (copper and tin) about $4, having an Olympic medal is all about the accomplishment.
The real money comes from the endorsement deals after winning. Sometimes, those endorsements come in unexpected ways as is the case of snowboarder Ross Rebagliati, who's now taking advantage of his marijuana scandal of the 1998 winter games to franchise and market the drug.
For those who think they're too old to win an Olympic medal, remember Oscar Swahn was 72 when he won. If you start training now, it's possible you could be competing in the Olympics some time in the future.
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