Bailey Boy Attacked By Mountain Lion ‘Punched It In The Eye’
Recently we posted a story about an eight-year-old boy who was dragged by the head by a mountain lion but had never heard from the boy or his family.
Pike Carson was jumping on a trampoline with his older brother, Gage when a neighbor yelled for him to come over to his house. When he did so, the mountain lion attacked, grabbing the youngster by the head and tried to drag him down the hill.
Pike, however, was having none of it. grabbing a stick he tried repeatedly to stab the animal in the eye and, when the stick broke, started punching it. His brother, seeing this, ran inside to get his father. Seeing what was going on, he did what any father would do. Ran into the face of danger. The mountain lion released his son and ran away and was later found and euthanized.
When he picked his son up, the damage the mountain lion had caused was obvious. Rushing Pike to the hospital, the boy survived two surgeries and 12 stitches and has some excellent advice for anyone thinking they might want to fight a mountain lion:
“The mountain lion is a cheater,” Pike Carlson told KUSA. "No one try to wrestle a mountain lion. It is a cheater.”
Good advice, Pike!
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