The Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pa is trying to convince their customers that their slot machines are snake free, and that the report of snakes in the casino is just a rumor.

The story has been circulating around Facebook about a casino patron who went to the doctor with some sort of bite. According to the Huffington Post, the doctor diagnosed it as a snake bite, and asked the patient if he had recently been at the casino in Eastern Pennsylvania.

The Post quotes a casino spokesperson as saying there have been no reported snake encounters at the casino, and if there were any snakes they would have been captured on casino surveillance.

The fact is the internet is rampant with rumors - and we are usually quick to believe them, and spread them. C'mon, admit it. It's fun to spread wild,  unfounded rumors. We want to believe the sensational and the unbelievable, and more than that, we want to tell the story.

While we would seriously doubt the validity of this snake rumor, it's possible we have the makings of the next Samuel L. Jackson movie. It's the sequel to Snakes on a Plane, and maybe we call it  Slithering Slots or maybe The Cobra Casino.

Speaking of Snakes on a Plane, why not take a moment and enjoy a creepy clip from the 2006 thriller. You may choose to never fly again.

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