Valentines Day

Six Funny Valentine’s Day Cards Inspired by Grand Junction
Six Funny Valentine’s Day Cards Inspired by Grand Junction
Six Funny Valentine’s Day Cards Inspired by Grand Junction
Remeber exchanging those cute Valentine's Day cards in elementary? We do and we really miss it. Let's all gather around the breakroom table, grab our shoe box decorated in Valentines garb and open up the cards to see what we got. Unlike elementary, we're not just picking our favorites, we're giving these Valentines to all of Grand Junction...
Valentine's Day Picnic
Valentine's Day Picnic
Valentine's Day Picnic
Valentine’s Day is creeping up quickly and I know you’re looking for that perfect date. Sure, you can take your special lady friend -- or guy friend — out on the same old boring date, or you can think outside the box. I’m a big fan of hiking and think it’s can be very romantic, try these five trails in Grand Junction for a romantic Valentine’s Day Hike.
Weekend events
Weekend events
Weekend events
With Valentine's Day on Friday this year, the weekend kicks off in high gear with several events on the schedule. Even if you're not planning on celebrating Valentine's Day this year, there's still several events going on this weekend in the Grand Junction area that is sure to please everyone...
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day is tricky. Most people either love the mushy stuff or dread it for weeks beforehand, so there's really no right way to go about celebrating the holiday. Lovebird festivities usually entail red roses, lots of chocolate and super sentimental things that make some people want to gag.

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