Mesa County Sheriff

Bowling for Blue
Bowling for Blue
Bowling for Blue
Spend some time having fun with your family and friends and help a worthwhile organization, the Deputy Derek Geer Fallen Officer Fund, by Bowling for Blue this Sunday (April 23).
High School Evacuation
High School Evacuation
High School Evacuation
The lockdown and evacuation of Central High School this morning (March 28) created a wave of frightening reports on social media. But, the real reason the school was evacuated wasn't due to those reports.
Mt. Garfield Rescue
Mt. Garfield Rescue
Mt. Garfield Rescue
When you're a member of Mesa County Search and Rescue, you never know when or where the next rescue will come from. In this case, it was Mount Garfield.
Craigslist Scam
Craigslist Scam
Craigslist Scam
There are plenty of families who would love to add a furry friend to their family. Scammers know that and play on your emotions at the expense of common sense and your money.

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