What’s Different About This Year’s Mesa County School District Calendar?
There's one big difference you'll notice about this year's Mesa County School District calendar.
The first day of class for Mesa County Schools is August 15, and the last day of school will be May 30. In many ways, it just looks like another school year calendar, but what you may not notice is five more days of school have been added.
The extra days are the result of the mill levy override that was approved by voters in last fall's election. Two days had been added to the 2017-2018 calendar via an agreement between the school board and the Mesa Valley Education Association. The agreement called for the two extra days to continue and for three days to be added in 2018 if funding was provided.
Five days may not seem like a lot, but over the course of 12 years, five days per year adds up to plenty of missed classroom time.
One other notable difference in this year's school calendar is that most student days off for things like teacher planning days, in-service, and workdays will be on Mondays and not in middle of the week. The change will aid in maintaining continuity during the week.