Seven Western Colorado Prescribed Burns You Should Be Aware Of
It may sound contradictory to say fires need to be started to help prevent fires, but that's exactly what those in charge of seven prescribed burns in western Colorado know is true.
Setting fire to parts of public lands in Colorado is nothing new. However, with the dry conditions and early start to the summer wildfire season, it's important for you to know there are going to be some fires that aren't wild.
The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest Norwood Office are planning the burns which will be conducted, conditions permitting, primarily in May and into June. Fire managers have specific criteria that must be met before any of the prescribed burns will be done.
The objective of the burns is to remove debris and vegetation reducing the risk of wildfires. Prescribed burns are less intense than a wildfire and when complete, create space for new vegetation and better habitat for wildlife.
Glencoe Pine
13 Miles Northeast of Nucla Off of 25 Mesa Road450 Acres
Burning will take place over a three to five day period. The burn is being conducted to increase the growth and health of native ponderosa pine stands.
Sanborn Park
5 Miles Northeast of Norwood Near Sanborn Park Road300 Acres
The burn is being conducted to help protect adjacent private property from wildfires. It will also increase the resiliency and reproduction of native ponderosa pine stands.
Thunder Road
6 Miles Southwest of Norwood Adjacent to Thunder Road350 Acres
This burn is being done to increase forage for wildlife, improve wildlife habitat, and strengthen native ponderosa pine stands.
25 Mesa
25 Miles West of Delta on 25 Mesa Road1406 Acres
The prescribed burn is being conducted to improve resiliency and reproduction of native ponderosa pine stands. It will also reduce slash and help protect adjacent private property from wildfires.
15 Miles Southwest of Montrose on the East and West Sides of Davewood Road1400 Acres
The project is a continuation of fire re-entry into the ecosystem. It will encourage healthy growth of native ponderosa pine stands and protect adjacent private property from wildfires.
15 Miles South of Montrose on Sawmill Mesa Road600 Acres
This burn is being conducted to reduce slash and encourage the growth of native ponderosa pine stands. The burn will also help protect adjacent private property from wildfires. The 600 acres planned for burning include 300 acres of pine maintenance and 300 acres of first entry treatment.
Love Mesa
27 Miles West of Delta3846 Acres
The burn will create conditions that will allow for better forage for wildlife and improve overall wildlife habitat in the area. This burn will also help protect and encourage the growth of native ponderosa pine stands.