All of the US Presidents Who Visited Grand Junction
Over the years, several Presidents have dropped by Grand Junction to say "hi." Take a look at the better part of 70 years of Presidents, and a first lady or two, or three, visiting Western Colorado.
With the exception of two photos, all of the images in the gallery above were captured by late Daily Sentinel photographer Robert Grant.
In no particular order, the photos include Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Obama, and Trump. Granted, in some cases, the images show candidates making campaign stops prior to their being elected to office.
Keep your eyes open for recognizable Western Colorado icons such as Mt. Garfield, the train station, and downtown, in the various photos.
President's Day is Monday, February 20, 2017. In the event you've ever felt neglected here in Western Colorado, here's proof Washington DC does in fact drop in on us every once in a while.
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