This is What Grand Junction Did For Father’s Day
I wanted to know what dads here in Grand Junction do for Father's Day, so I asked you on our Facebook. This is what Grand Junction did for Father's Day.
When I think of Father's Day I think of eating food with my dad and spending time with my dad. We like to go to a movie or go to a brewery -- basically anything where we can spend time together. After asking you on our Facebook, this is what Grand Junction did for Father's Day.
I basically invited myself over for this one. That french toast is literally making my mouth water and I'm definitely up for some swimming and bbqing too.
If my dad opted not to golf, I'd be happy too. Being lazy is a nice, relaxing way to spend Father's Day. Plus it's whatever the dads want to do anyway, right?
This definitely sounds like something my dad would want to do for Father's Day. Camping means my dad could enjoy the things he loves the most at the same time -- his family and the outdoors.
I think this sounds like a great Father's Day. My and my dad both love brats and things with wheels. Brats and hot wheels is a fun time for every one.
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