You won't find any saloons open for business, but you can visit this western Colorado ghost town and see what remains of a town that was bigger than Aspen once-upon-a-time.

The Ashcroft ghost town is located 11 miles south of Aspen on Castle Creek Road. What you will find are the restored remains of several historic buildings including a saloon, a post office, and a hotel.

Ashcroft Hotel
ThinkStock/Ashcroft Ghost Town

The population of Ashcroft grew to around 2,000 people and featured 2 newspapers, a sawmill, a school, and 20 saloons. With no movie theaters, bowling alleys, or concert halls, there's no question about what the people were doing for entertainment during their spare time.

While some 14,000 ounces of silver was mined from the area, the mines were just shallow deposits, and within a few short years, the town shriveled up to only about 100 summer residents. Remnants of the town remain today, reminding us of this piece of Colorado history.

Ashcroft ghost town in Colorado
ThinkStock/Ashcroft Ghost Town

The Ashcroft ghost town is open for public viewing with a $5 admission charge. A guide is on hand Thursday through Sunday, August 20- October 8. During "closed" times, self-guided tours are available via the "honor system."

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