The Eerie Story Behind Denver’s Blue Mustang
If you’ve ever been to Denver International Airport then you’ve seen the 32-foot-tall blue mustang that weighs 9,000 pounds, named “El Mesteño,” or “The Mustang/The Untamed” a.k.a Blucifer the Evil Horse. Many people in the community believe that the blue mustang is dark and devilish.
The creator of this massive Mustang was internationally-renowned artist Luis Jiménez. Jiménez was commissioned to sculpt the blue Mustang in 1993 for $300,000, he received $165,000 upfront. While creating the sculpture Jiménez was killed in 2006 by the head of the horse which fell on this incredible artist’s leg and severing an artery.
The deadline for Luiz Jiménez was to be completed way before his death. The city had sued Luis after not completing the project on time. Eventually, charges were dropped if Luis Jiménez would finish it immediately. Some say he was rushing to complete the blue Mustang and that’s why it fell on top him.
Two years later, Blucifer was finished by other artists and family members of Luis Jiménez. There are several rumors about Blucifer being a “killer,” and a conspiracist. Other known names for this massive beast are, “DIAblo,” and “Satan’s Steed.”
Some believe that there is a link with the Blue Star Kachina, Hopi prophecy and the vicious, wild horse that haunts the community. Others see a very close similarity to the author Preston B. Nichol’s book; “The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time.” Which is kind of an eerie book, to say the least.
Regardless of how many have tried to have Blucifer removed, it still remains standing at the entrance of D.I.A and will remain there for now.
Sources: Luis Jiminez Wikipedia | Blue Mustang Wikipedia | My 420 Tours