
Funny Tweets By Parents
Funny Tweets By Parents
Funny Tweets By Parents
Another week, another batch of tweets by parents that would surely horrify their children if they were old enough to read. Parents this week hit Twitter with their frustrations over Daylight Savings Time and the embarrassing things their kids say in public...
Is a Twitter Feud Brewing Between Ann Romney and ‘Modern Family’?
Is a Twitter Feud Brewing Between Ann Romney and ‘Modern Family’?
Is a Twitter Feud Brewing Between Ann Romney and ‘Modern Family’?
Mitt Romney’s loving wife Ann Romney definitely has experience in the field of motherhood. At the GOP Convention, she even said that “It’s the moms of this nation – single, married, widowed – who really hold this country together.” Maybe it’s this insider’s knowledge into the modern family that makes her appreciate the TV show ‘Modern Family’ so much.