There are honest people who if they found credit cards left by someone at a store would turn them in. Then there's this creep who lives by the 'losers weepers, finders keepers' rule.
An El Paso County community is through with Christmas thievery and is now giving the gift of karma in return. Those presents on the porch aren't what they seem.
The convenience of Christmas shopping online from a local store or a national distributor and having the item delivered to your front door also has a downside. Thieves want to steal your packages before you can open them.
Pancho is the most brazen thief in Mexico; he has no fear of anyone or anything. He is known to hang out near marinas and will steal your catch right from your hands. He has long whiskers, big brown eyes and dark in color. If you see Pancho do not try to apprehend him, just contact the authorities as he is known to be a very dangerous character.