Voting is underway right now in the Mesa County Beacon Best of 2020. Here's you chance to speak up and share your opinions with the world... or at least Mesa County.
Colorado is called the bicentennial state because it became one in 1876. It can also be said that it's because we're one of the most patriotic states in America.
Is the word "beautician" still in use in 2018? Apparently it must be. June 26 is national "Beautician Day." Show the love to your favorite stylist by voting in our poll.
With the end of November comes the end of International Drum Month. We asked you to vote for the Western Colorado drummer most deserving of a hug. You stepped up to the plate in a BIG way, casting thousands and thousands of votes. The results have been determined, and it's time to crown the winner!
A few weeks ago, in honor of National Pancake Day, you were asked to vote for Western Colorado's best pancake. Well, you voted, and the results are in.