This weekend, music lovers across the nation will be celebrating the birthday of the Man in Black, Johnny Cash. Where can you go in Western Colorado to hear some live Johnny Cash music and kick your heels up with other fans?
Happy birthday, Johnny Cash. The fact that the man left us 11 years ago should not prevent us from celebrating his incredible life. If you want to send your birthday wishes to the Man in Black, or for that matter, throw your own Johnny Cash Birthday Bash, here are a few pointers.
This last weekend, Peyton Manning was back in Indianapolis for a charity for his children's hospital. Also there was country star Luke Bryan who was able to get Peyton Manning to sing a tune on stage. I'm not sure how much country music Peyton listens to, but one things for sure, he chose the right career path...
The distinctive voice of the "space coyote" talking to Homer is that of a legendary singer who's career and songs spanned both pop and country.