Mesa County Valley School District 51 is offering a series of Suicide Intervention Training sessions to the community.

There are four Brief Suicide Intervention Training (BSIT) sessions taught by the Western Colorado Suicide Prevention Foundation.

Members of the community are encouraged to attend one of the free sessions which last about an hour. BSIT teaches people basic suicide prevention and awareness skills.

District 51 Superintendent Steve Shultz says,

Suicide is a very critical issue for our entire community. We want to offer this training and align all available resources with community partners to provide support for students, families, staff, and other community members. In addition, we will be assembling a community task force to work together to address behavioral health and suicide in our community.”

The training sessions begin at 6 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

  • Monday, November 7 - Grand Junction High School
  • Wednesday, November 9 - Fruita Monument High School
  • Thursday, November 10 - Central High School
  • Thursday, November 10 - Palisade High School

Training sessions will be held in the high school's auditorium.

The district is also offering BSIT to students at Grand Junction, Fruita Monument, Central, Palisade, and R-5 High Schools. Separate training sessions will be held for each grade level at the school.

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